The present study was carried out to investigate the effects different water deficit levels applied through growing season on silage yield, quality and water use efficiency (WUE) of main crop silage maize under semi-arid climate conditions during the years 2014 and 2015. Irrigation treatments were set as 100% (I100), 70% (I70) and 35% (I35) supply of depleted water within 0-90 cm effective root zone in 7-day intervals. Applied irrigation water quantities in I100(control) treatment of the first and second year (in 8 irrigations) were respectively observed as 693 and 666 mm. Plant water consumptions in control treatment were respectively measured as 770 and 738 mm. Silage yield was 10650 kg da−1 in the first year and 10600 kg da−1 in the second year. The silage yield obtained from I70 treatment with 30% water deficit was statistically placed in group (B) following I100 (control) treatment. The water deficits over 30% resulted in significant decreases in silage yield and quality. The correlation coefficient between ETa and dry matter was respectively identified as (r:0.78), (r:0.87) in 2014 and 2015 and the correlation coefficient between plant water consumption (ETa) and protein content was respectively identified as (r:0.81), (r:0.80) and the correlations between ETa and quality parameters were found to be positive and highly significant (p<0.01). There were significant linear correlations between ETa and kernel yield (Y) (p<0.01). Yield response factor (ky) of experimental years were respectively calculated as 0.74 and 1.06. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) values varied between 3.80-5.10 kg da−1 mm and water use efficiency (WUE) values varied between 3.62 ile 4.42 kg da−1 mm.\nKey Words: Deficit irrigation, dry matter, silage maize, water use efficiency
Globalization spreads both prosperity and distress. The global financial crisis is an outcome of deep economic recession which generally refers to business cycle contraction and slowdown activity over a long period of time. It is a situation where macro indicator like gross domestic product, employment, capital utilization, household incomes and business profit fall and bankruptcies and unemployment rates are rise. Global Financial Crisis is among the greatest financial challenges to the world economy which is originated in United States of America. This paper provides an overview of global financial crisis (GFC) and its impact on the Indian Economy. The researcher made an effort to study the affect of post second world war recession on Indian economic system and identified the sectors affected by it and reason thereof. The researcher used secondary sources of information which are mainly from the web sites and News dailies (news papers) besides from the research publications. As a result, global financial crises affected our employment, stock and forex market, software and IT services export, industrial sector, banking and non-banking sector.
Background: Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease of central nerves system. Previous studies have demonstrated that optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an inexpensive and accessible tool to evaluate the progress of Multiple sclerosis (MS).\nObjective: In the current study, OCT and corpus callosum index (CCI) have compared for early evaluation of axonal damages such as cognitive dysfunction in MS patients.\nMethods: Corpus callosum index of thirty MS patients and 30 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were assessed by MRI. In addition, cognitive function of MS patients was evaluated by Brief International Cognitive Assessment for MS (BICAMS) test and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by OCT.\nResults: The findings of our study demonstrated that CCI among the patients with impaired cognition had lower than the control groups and there was no significant correlation between cognitive status and CCI (P value=0.804). Among impaired cognition group, 81.8% of patients had abnormal OCT, while only two patients had normal OCT, furthermore our data showed significant difference between OCT and cognition (P value=0.026).\nConclusion: According to this study,. OCT is as useful method in evaluation of axonal loss and to predict cognitive dysfunction in MS patients comparing with CCI or other measures.
Protozoa and helminths parasites are among those parasites affecting people and livestock. The comparative study of protozoa and helminths of cattle and goats in Akure metropolis was carried out between March and July, 2015. A total of four hundred and twenty four (424) faecal samples were examined. Out of 220 samples collected for cattle, 43.64% were positive for both helminths and protozoa parasites while of the 204 faecal samples examined for goats 49.51% were positive. There was no significant different in parasitic infection in cattle and goats(P>0.05). Helminths parasites encountered were Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Enterobius vermicularis, Haemonchus contortus and Moniezia species while Eimeria species was the only protozoan parasite found. Trematode parasite had the highest prevalence of 37 (16.82%) in cattle while Nematode parasite had the highest prevalence in goats 41 (20.10%). The prevalence of cestode parasites in cattle and goats was low (7.73% &5.88%). There were incidence of mixed infection in cattle and goats,infection rates of helminths and protozoa in goats were higher 51.28% in females than 45.65% of males while in cattle the male had higher prevalence of 44.52% than females 41.89%. Goats show high infection rate of protozoa parasite than cattle. This study revealed that gastrointestinal helminths and protozoa parasites are more dominant in goats than in cattle.
The experiment was conducted in the department of Botany, University of Science Technology Bannu, KPK, Pakistan during 2013 in a complete randomized design (CRD) by using four replication to determine the vigor and viability of different varieties of Chick pea seeds. The four chick pea verities i.e. KK-1, KK-2, KC-98 and Lowgher were used to see their growth. The final result was that started germination, seedling fresh weight (mg), seedling dry weight (mg), seedling shoot length (cm),seedling root length (cm), seedling shoot fresh weight (mg), seedling shoot dry weight (mg), were significantly affected except shoot dry weight (mg), and root length (cm). The highest seedling dry weight (1.233mg), seedling shoot length (15.267cm), was found in Lowgher, while lowest seedling dry weight (0.733mg), seedling shoot length (13.267cm) was recorded in kk-1 and kc-98 respectively. The maximum seedling fresh weight (7.4mg), seedling root length (7.6cm) was recorded in kc-98. Seedling fresh weight (3.167mg), seedling root fresh weight (3.2mg), seedling root dry weight (0.730mg) were showed by Lowgher and kc-98.
The study aims to identify the characteristics of gifted deaf from the point of view of teachers and family by using an evaluative battery to describe cognitive, emotional, mental and linguistic sides of gifted deaf. The researchers used Renzulli scale to identify gifted people, a measure of self-concept for deaf, reading skills test for deaf , a questionnaire and a sign language form for measuring deaf students\' abilities in sign language. The results indicated that \"General Intellectual Ability\" was the most frequently used and followed by \"leadership\". After that \"Creativity\" comes and followed by \"Science\", then \"Mathematics \"comes and followed by \"Social Studies\". Finally \"Language Arts\" comes. Furthermore there is a positive correlation between \"Language Arts\" in both school and home scale with \"General Intellectual Ability\" as well as the correlation between \"Science\" and \"General Intellectual Ability\" in both home and school scales. Also there is a positive correlation in \"Language Arts\" in both the school scale and home scale and a positive correlation between \"Language Arts\" and \"Fluency\" in reading scale. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between \"Math\" and \"science\" in both home and school scales and also there is a positive correlation between \"Math\" and \"Reading Understanding\" in reading scale. There is also a positive correlation between \"Math\" and \"Science\" in home scales and there is total correlation with \"Science\" on home scale. As well as, there is a total positive correlation between \"Social Studies\" in both home and school scales and there is a positive correlation between \" Communication \" in home scales and \"Communication\" in school scale while it is correlated with \" Language Arts\" in a positive correlation in both scales. There is a positive correlation between both \"Language Arts\" and \"Communication\" and there is a positive correlation between the \"Science\" and \"Language Arts\" and between \"science\" and \"Communication\" in home performance scale.
The purpose of current study is to investigate the relationship between the approval-motivation and its effects on cellular-phone dependency syndrome in Persian speaking students.\nA total number of 448 students (224 male and 224 female) were selected by applying proportional randomized classification sampling method from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran. \nThe research instruments included Mobile phone problematic use scale, Approval motivation scale and demographic information questioner. Data were analyzed with the software package of SPSS (version 23). \nResults showed that the studied parameters regarding dependence on mobile-phone had statistically significant differences in terms of gender, age, faculty, education-grades, semester, and residence. It was also recognized that there was a statistical relationship between the approval motivation and four major factors that influence the mobile-phone addiction in students.
This article reports the results of an investigation on the prevalence of neglected zoonotic brucellosis in humans, within the context of a changing land use between livestock and wild animals. Uganda, like most countries on the African continent, has limited data on human co-infection with the two brucella species:Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis. Indeed published articles comparing the prevalence of these two species of brucellain humans, even for areas already described as brucellosis hotspots in Uganda is none existent.The prevalence of B. abortus and B. melitensis was analyzed using field data collected through serological surveys with pastoralist communities living around Lake MburoNationa Park in western Uganda. The results revealed that 12.8% (67/524) of all the people examined for brucellosis tested positive. There was also a significant Brucella species prevalence difference between B. abortus and B. melitensis in humans, with B. abortus having higher mean prevalence (56.4%) compared to B. melitensis (43.6%). The results further showed that more than one third of seropositive individuals (40.3%) were co-infected with B. abortus and B. melitensis. This study is the first to document B. melitensis prevalence in humans, as well as comparing B. abortus and B. melitensis in humans brucellosis within an environment where wildlife, livestock and humans interact on a daily basis. Therefore, these findings have the potential to inform policy makers and facilitate decision-making to initiate ecosystems approach in public health education.
Mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (mBMSCs) soup is promising toolfor the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. mBMSCs soup is easily obtained and is capable of transplantation without rejection. We investigated the effects of mBMSC soupon staurosporine-induced cell death in PC12 and U87 cells lines. Briefly, mBMSCs cells were culture in DMEM culture medium. Then,the medium was changed by free serum culture medium containing 0.2% bovine serum albumin. The cells maintained for 24h and 48h. Then, the condition medium was harvested as mBM soup (mBM soup 24 and mBM soup 48h). One day after plating the cells. There were six treatments including; treatment 1: 1µM staurospurine, treatment 2: no incubation with staurosporine, treatment 3: mBM Soup 24h, treatment 4: mBM Soup 24h together with 1µM staurospurine, treatment 5: mBM Soup 48h and treatment 6: mBM Soup 48h together with 1µM staurospurine . The percentage of cell viability, cell death, NO concentration, total neurite length (TNL) and farction of cell differentiation (f%)were assessed. Viability assay showed that mBM soup (24 and 48h) in time dependent were increased cell viability (p<0.05) and also cell death assay showed that cell death in time dependent were decreased, respectively (p<0.05). TNL and farction of cell differentiation significantly were increased compared with treatment1 (p<0.05). Our data showed that mBM Soup protects cells, increases cell viability, suppresses cell death and improvement the neurite elongation. We concluded that Mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell soup plays an important protective role in staurosporine-induced cell death in PC12 and U87 cell lines.