In present simulations, ready fuzzy model which is used to train a well is tested by radial basis networks. Same data is kept in both cases. Data is trained and tested by triangular membership functions such that after parametric adjustment reasonable agreement between actual and predicted data values was obtained. The model is trained and tested by using an exact radial basis network without any parametric change. The simulation maps of training and testing are presented. Results show that the radial basis mislays capability to control the prediction. The training and testing simulation of radial basis seize the initiation part. After half deep downing the simulations show that the predictions are not chasing data point values.
Free-living amoebae are ubiquitous in nature. Some species of free-living amoebae belonging to the genera Acanthamoeba, Naegleria, Balamuthia, Sappinia and others are responsible for opportunistic and non-opportunistic infections in humans and other animals. The free-living amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri is the only species infects humans world widely distributed. N. fowleri is the causative agent of very rare but severe brain infection called primary amoebic meningo-encephalitis (PAM), a rapidly fatal disease of the central nervous system mainly in immuno-compromised individuals. N. fowleri infects human through the entry of the nose, and it happens when human swimming or diving in warm freshwater, such as lakes, rivers and swimming pools. The disease is acute, and patients often die within 5–10 days and before the infectious agent can be diagnosed. Limited information is available about the existence of pathogenic N. fowleri, in Egypt, so the present of N. fowleri is an important public health. In the present study, we examined hundred water, dust and swap samples collected from 5 swimming pools in Cairo, Egypt. Based on morphological characteristics of trophozoite and cyst, flagellation test 56 % of thermo-tolerant Naegleria like amoeba was detected. The incidence of thermo-tolerant free-living amoebae reached 84, 80and 70% from water, cotton swap and dust samples, respectively at cultivation temperature of 45º C. The highest occurrence of thermo-tolerant amoebae were recorded in summer (100 & 87.5%) while the lowest one were recorded in winter (58 & 37.5%) in both water and dust samples, respectively. In swap samples, the highest occurrence of thermo-tolerant free-living amoeba was recorded in both summer and spring (100%), while the lowest one was recorded in winter (40%). N. fowleri was performed on 24 samples from a total of 56 (42.2%) samples which are positive by culture. Nested PCR using Mp2Cl5 gene primers that is unique to N. fowleri was carried out. The N. fowleri specific primer showed band at 166 pb against 24 of 56 (42.2%) samples. The majority of positive samples unique to N. fowleri was detected in water samples followed by swap samples and finally dust samples 14 of 24 (58%), 7 of 24 (29%), 3 of 24 (13%), respectively. In conclusion, swimming pools water may be the source of Naegleria invasion. The use of molecular methods to identify free-living amoebae N. fowleri could provide a more rapid means to diagnose infections caused by those amoebae.
Cross-sectional serological and questionnaire surveys were employed on small ruminants to determine the prevalence of brucellosis, identify risk factors and public health implications. A total of 1190 blood samples were collected from shoats (876 caprine and 314 ovine) in Chifra and Ewa districts. One hundred fifty five (13%) of the samples tested were positive using mRBPT. Further testing of the positive reactors for mRBPT with CFT revealed 147 (12.35%) seropositivity for brucella. The result showed that among the risk factors considered in the analysis, species, sex, age, parity number and flock size had statistically significant effect on seropositivity (p<0.05). Goats were more than 2 times (OR=2.34) at risk of getting infected with brucella than sheep. The seroprevalence was also significantly higher in female (13.8%) than in male (6.5%) animals. The odds of seropositivity in older animals are 2.36 times higher than that of younger ones. Individual animal seroprevalence was higher in larger flocks than in smaller ones (OR=0.68). The habit of drinking raw milk was practiced by almost all of the respondents. Poor awareness of the zoonotic importance of brucellosis and the practices of consuming raw milk and handling potentially infectious materials using bare hands pose a serious danger to small ruminant owners. There is a need for planning and implementation of joint programs by stakeholders in prevention and control of the disease as well as raising public awareness.
The paper presents the main notions, mathematical models, and applications of the novel branch of mathematics that called Mathematical Theory of Development
Objective: Lipid profiles are one of the known predictors of cardiovascular diseases. Aerobic exercises are employed to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of two types of aerobic exercise on lipid profiles and Castelli risk index in sedentary adult female subjects.\nMethods: Twenty sedentary healthy volunteer female aged 35 to 45 voluntarily participated in two types of endurance exercise for 8 consecutive weeks. Blood parameters including TC, TG, HDL, and VLDL and LDL/HDL, Chol/HDL ratios were analyzed. \nResults: No significant differences were found between the two types of training protocols on TC, TG, LDL, HDL, HDL to LDL and VLDL (P=0.885, 0.110, 0.607, 0.137, HDL to LDL, 0.90) level. Both exercise types had a significant effects on TC, LDL, HDL, Castelli risk index and weight (P=0.0001, 0.0001, 0.006, 0.0001), However, no significant difference was found between the pre and post test levels of TG and VLDL (p=0.46, 0.44), respectively. \nConclusion: Aerobic exercise performed intermittently or continuously has significant effect on reducing the Castelli risk indexes. In addition, both type of exercise are effective on weight reduction. Further research is needed to include other age groups.
The challenges of desertification and food insecurity share considerable common ground, not only in terms of their myriad biophysical, political and socioeconomic drivers and links to the productivity of the land and soil, but also in the discourses and approaches that have informed their management. This paper reviews the elements common to both challenges and argues that due to their cross-cutting nature and the parallel pathways along which each issue has evolved, there is a strong case to be made for taking a synergistic approach towards the development of future solutions. In particular, it is argued that livelihoods and vulnerability approaches could be used as a common platform to inform more integrated interventions. This could enable multiple benefits to be harnessed for both challenges.
Handling complex requirements and early fault detection on interaction between systems is one of the novel trends in software industry. Model based combinatorial testing techniques were used to address this challenge. Model based testing is method were test cases are generated from a model of the system. In this study we explore, how we can utilize combinatorial test design techniques for early fault detection in software system through model based testing. We use a combinatorial test design tool for test plan generation.